SeE Faculty

Samuel A. Bowring: Calibrating the rates of biologic evolution. Constraining the early history of the earth. The isotope geochemistry of Pb, Sr, and U in waters and soils to monitor the effects of acid rain. Understanding the development of early Proterozoic orogenic belts and the evolution of Archean greenstone belts. Learn more?

Edward A. Boyle: Distribution of trace elements in the ocean and their use as paleochemical tracers; response of the ocean to anthropogenic lead emissions; relation between dust, iron in the ocean, and marine biological activity.

Frederick Frey: Origin and evolution of igneous rocks; upper mantle composition and processes.

John P. Grotzinger: The evolution of Earth's surficial environments and biosphere; the chemical development of the early oceans and atmosphere; the environmental context of early animal evolution, and the geologic factors that regulate sedimentary basins. Learn more?

Tim Grove: The processes that have led to the chemical differentiation of the crust and mantle of the Earth and on the processes of formation and evolution of the interiors of other planets, including the moon, Mars, and meteorite parent bodies. Learn more?

Kip V. Hodges: Structural and thermal evolution of compressional and extensional origins; structural geology; metamorphic petrology; and geochronology. Learn more?

John Marshall: Climate and the general circulation of the atmosphere and oceans using mathematical and numerical models of key physical and biogeochemical processes. Learn more?

David Mohrig: Evolution of terrestrial and submarine landscapes through the study of the sedimentary record. Learn more?

F. Dale Morgan: Geoelectromagnetism; inverse methods; appllied seismology; environmental geophysics.

Daniel Rothman:
Our group seeks simple theories of complex natural systems, tied as closely as possible to experimental and observational data. Problems of interest range from geobiological evolution to the dynamics of fluids, rocks, and sand. . Learn more?

Julian Sachs: Late Quaternary paleoclimate. Abrupt climate change. Development and application of organic geochemical and stable isotopic techniques in oceanography and paleoclimatology. Decadal-to-millennial scale climate change. The origin of organic-rich sediment sequences in the marine environment. The marine nitrogen cycle. Learn more?

Roger Summons: Lipid chemistry of microbes, climate change, biotic evolution and extinction, biogeochemical fossils, petroleum.

Kelin Whipple: Interaction of climate, tectonics, and surface processes in the sculpting of the Earth's surface; mechanics of river incision into bedrock; dynamics of channel and sedimentation processes on alluvial fans; experimental and field study of debris-flow rheology

Maria Zuber: Theoretical modeling of geophysical processes; analysis of altimetry, gravity and tectonics to determine the structure and dynamics of the Earth and solid planets; development and implementation of spacecraft laser and radio tracking experiments. Learn more?