hand printed photographs signed and numbered by the artist.
each image limited to 900 prints.

Image size Frame size print only print
print: matted &
4x10,8x10 12x16 $35.00 $55.00 $99.00
7x14,11x14 13x20,16x20 $55.00 $75.00 $129.00
13x20,16x20 18x28, 22x28 $109.00 $145.00 $229.00
14x30 26x40 $209.00 $269.00 $395.00
20x30, 24x30 30x40,32x40 $209.00 $269.00 $395.00
30x40 40x50 $525.00 $649.00 $895.00

Our most popular images printed on cardstock (open edition).
These 5"x7" prints are available either double matted or
matted and framed in colors to complement the images.

Image size Frame size Matted Framed
5x7 8x10 $14.95 $31.95

Printed on high quality heavy stock paper, these open-edition reproductions are shipped
to you ready for framing. The perfect idea for home or office.

Image size Poster size price (free shipping)
18x24 to 20x25 24x30 to 24x36 $29.95

Image size Print only Matted Framed
4x10 / 8x10 $7.00 $10.00 $17.50
7x14 / 11x14 $7.00 $10.00 $17.50
12x20 / 16x20 $7.00 $22.00 $30.00
14x30 $10.00 $30.00 $45.00
20x30 / 24x30 $10.00 $30.00 $45.00
30x40 $15.00 $100.00 $125.00
mini prints NA $5.00 $10.00

(prices subject to change)

The following chart will allow you to determine which images
are available as either posters, notecards, or mini-prints.

Image name Catalog # Notecard Miniprint poster poster size
Albion Basin AG95-227 x x - -
Aspen Stand AG93-201 x x - -
Aspens in Fog AG93-202 x x - -
Autumn Lake AG92-230 x x - -
Autumn Tetons AG92-203 x x x -
Bryce in Snow AG93-233 x x - -
Butte Silhouettes AG93-101 x x - -
Canyon Color AG94-205 x x - -
Cloud Sunrise AG91-206 x x x 24"x34"
Deadhorse Point AG88-217 x x x 24"x30"
Delicate Storm AG88-208 x x - -
Dusk Meadow AG90-209 x x x 24"x34"
Emerald Pool Falls AG94-226 x x - -
Gateway to the Narrows AG95-228 x x - -
Grand Mesa Reflections AG95-232 - - - -
Grand View AG95-234 x x - -
Lake Blanche AG95-236 x x - -
Lake Powell Overlook AG94-210 x x x 24"x30"
Maroon Bells AG93-211 x x - -
Mount Rainier AG95-222 - - x 24"x30"
Mt. Nebo Fall Colors AG94-212 x x - -
Mystical Canyon AG89-213 x x - -
Mythical Forest AG94-223 x x - -
Newspaper Rock AG90-214 x x - -
Reflections of Autumn AG992-215 - - x 24"x36"
Rock Detail AG89-221 x x - -
Saguaro Sunset AG88-236 - - - -
Slickrock Paintbrush AG94-235 x x - -
Slot Canyon AG89-217 x x x 24"x36"
Tapestry AG93-225 x x - -
Tetons AG89-218 x x - -
The Twist AG94-219 x x - -
Timpanogos Color AG89-224 x x x 24"x32"
Wasatch Powder AG95-220 x x - -
Waterfall AG89-229 x x - -
Wild Rhododedron AG92-216 x x x 24"x36"
Yellowstone Blues AG93-103 x x - -
Zion Waterfall AG95-231 - - - -

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